
Top 10 desktop publishing companies in India

Top 10 Desktop Publishing Companies in India


In the fast-paced world of digitalization and modernization, having effective desktop publishing services will help your brand accelerate growth, give it an outstanding image, and cater to the target audience’s needs in the most strategic manner. The literal meaning of Desktop publishing is the creation of documents digitally with the help of computers, relevant software and applications. 

However, it is essential for any business to connect with a leading and reliable desktop publishing company to get excellent results. Collaborating with a leading desktop publishing company will help you with trending and attractive designs, brochures and flyers that explain your operations and selling points most uniquely and grasp users’ attention from every segment, both demographically and geographically. Moreover, the benefits of having an excellent DTP publishing company as your branding partner will help in maintaining the visual identity of the business throughout your operations and aimed sectors. And having quality and appealing documents of the company automatically brings impressions and reach via clients, leading to high sales and reach of your company. 

But, finding a trustworthy desktop publishing company in your targeted market takes work. It would help if you had a brand that understands your pain points and requirements, beautifully blends them with the expectations of the customers and gives outstanding results. Here is a list of top 10 desktop publishing companies in India that can help your company grow exponentially in the competitive market. 

Top 10 companies in India known for their exceptional Desktop Publishing services 


VerboLabs is the leading brand in the localization and content production industry. However, our understanding and commitment to brand reach and industry-oriented services have helped us create an unmatched position and image in the creative industry. In the contemporary world, our Desktop publishing services are trending, relevant and made using the most appropriate and intelligent software.

We understand the quality and specifications of our clients through meetings and personal evaluations and incorporate intense research into our working strategy that helps us deliver outstanding results. 

Today, we have successfully established ourselves as a renowned desktop publishing company in the Indian market. However, our most unique pitch is our strategic yet vital blend of localization in desktop publishing services. With native linguists experts who have a keen understanding of 121+ languages, we not only create trending and visually appealing documents but can also translate the same into 121+ languages, which will help you tap regional and international markets for growth. We have our two main offices in Bangalore and another branch in Udaipur. Our USPs are quality work with a quick turnaround time and at the most affordable rates. But what really sets us apart in India’s hardcore competitive desktop publishing industry is our excellence in expertise and specialization, design brilliance and quality control. 

The most distinctive feature of our work in desktop publishing is the seamless integration of technical precision and creative vision. Unlike conventional printing services, we provide a sophisticated digital platform for the design and production of a wide range of print materials, from brochures to magazines, with unparalleled efficiency and adaptability. Our expertise lies in transforming conceptual ideas into visually captivating and interactive masterpieces meticulously tailored to meet the exact requirements of my clients. This harmonious blend of technology and creativity enables us to deliver not just materials but immersive experiences that resonate deeply with audiences, solidifying our essential role in the contemporary, media-saturated landscape.

CHL Localization 

CHL Localization has expertise in working with more than 70 languages, making us a prominent DTP Company in India. They have an expert team of multilingual DTP services that are well versed in various languages, such as European languages like French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Greek. They also have expertise in African languages like Swahili and Zulu and many Asian languages, such as Japanese, Chinese, Korean, and Bangladeshi. Not only this, they have knowledge of various Indian languages, like Gujarati, Bengali, Hindi, Tamil, Punjabi, and Malayalam. This company can help you solve your brand reach problems. Their featured services include formatting text, designing layout, typesetting, and desktop publishing. Some of their renowned works comprise company newsletters, magazines, catalogues, newspapers, books, and pamphlets. 

The most exquisite feature that makes CHL Localization a top DTP company is its adaptability and flexibility. From small business brochures to large-scale corporate campaigns, they know how to excel in their industry smartly. Due to their knowledge and operations in 70 global languages, they can mainly attend to international clients with perfect cultural nuances. CHL Localization emphasizes the importance of precision in every design element, striving for perfection and the absence of errors. Implements extensive proofing procedures involving multiple stages of review to identify and rectify any discrepancies before finalization. Ensures uniformity in design elements across all initiatives, upholding a consistent brand image. Commits to staying abreast of the latest trends and innovations in desktop publishing, integrating cutting-edge technologies. Incorporates automation technologies to enhance efficiency while ensuring output quality is not compromised. Guarantees that designs are optimized for compatibility across various devices and platforms, improving user accessibility.

Bhasha Bharati Arts 

Bhasha Bharati Arts has invested in graphic design and DTP skills and has trained them to handle any challenging task with confidence. Their team is well equipped to handle all the latest DTP software like QuarkXPress, Adobe Photoshop, Frame Maker, PageMaker, WordPerfect, Paint Shop Pro, Corel Draw, Illustrator, and Indesign for designing, typesetting and formatting for artwork in any Indian and foreign languages. Creatively, they develop unique design styles, ensuring customization that aligns with each client’s branding vision and introduces innovative concepts that push boundaries. Quality control remains paramount, with meticulous attention to detail, thorough proofing processes, and consistent brand representation across materials.

Their customer-centric approach fosters strong client relationships through personalized service, responsive communication channels, and an adaptive, flexible stance towards client needs. The unique selling points of this brand are its specialist language DTP studio and expert DTP Operators, excellent graphic designers, reasonable prices, and quality deliverables. Bhasha Bharati Arts’ ability is to combine technical proficiency with creative ingenuity, all while providing exceptional service and solutions that meet and exceed client expectations. They stand out in their industry by consistently delivering high-quality, innovative designs that resonate with target audiences and leave a lasting impression.

The company offers a suite of value-added services designed to enhance the desktop publishing experience for its clients. These services include translation and desktop publishing for multilingual projects, ensuring accessibility for all users, including those with disabilities, and providing expert training sessions and consultations on design and publishing best practices. Emphasizing sustainability, the company adopts environmentally friendly materials and processes while promoting digital-first approaches to minimize paper waste. 


Tridindia’s team of adroit DTP artists has the industry-leading publishing software and many years of experience to accept the challenge of working on any desktop publishing project you may have, irrespective of its complexity and target language specifics. If you’re searching for a reliable and affordable provider of high-quality DTP services, they are the perfect choice to outsource your needs. They not only ensure that your content is top-notch but also offer consultancy services to the clients. This guarantees that you have complete peace of mind when it comes to your DTP requirements.

Their most essential aspects, which truly make them stand out from the competition, are their security and data privacy assurance, cultural relevance, quality control system, fast turnaround time, years of experience, and native data experts. They provide not only desktop publishing solutions but also additional services that add value to their clients, such as translation, printing solutions, and educational workshops. They follow ethical standards and sustainable practices in their work. With industry recognition, technological innovation, and thought leadership, they have established themselves as a reliable source of exceptional desktop publishing solutions. Whether it’s a small brochure or an extensive corporate campaign, a reputable DTP company consistently produces high-quality, engaging designs that have a lasting impact on its clients and their audiences.

Shakti Enterprise 

If you require the translation of a booklet, PDF, manual, or any other type of document to a specific standard that preserves your message across all markets, TridIndia’s Multilingual DTP Services are at your disposal. As a leading brand for DTP services in India, they have garnered a reputation for excellence. Their Desktop Publishing specialists are adept at creating and optimizing your online and print documents for publication. They design templates and layouts that embody your brand’s image and values. Additionally, they ensure that your brochures, catalogues, and other materials maintain the look and design of the original. 

Their team places great emphasis on attention to detail, with a focus on accuracy and precision in every aspect of design. Multiple rounds of review and feedback are incorporated into their thorough proofing processes to eliminate errors. They maintain brand consistency across all design materials, a task undertaken with meticulous care and attention. Their commitment to personalized service is built upon a foundation of understanding our client’s unique needs. They prioritize responsive communication, with quick and effective channels for client feedback and updates. They strive to deliver optimal results, remain flexible and agile, and are able to adapt to client requests and changes with ease. Their ultimate goal is to exceed clients’ expectations and earn their trust through dedication to excellence.

Crystal Hues Limited 

Crystal Hues has been providing professional desktop publishing services for over three decades, specializing in the creation of visually appealing documents designed to communicate messages across multiple languages. With an experienced DTP team, Crystal Hues ensures brand consistency across languages while also tailoring content to the cultural nuances of the target audience. The team consists of expert designers, native language translators, and project coordinators who deliver exceptional results with quick turnaround times. Regardless of the size of the project, Crystal Hues guarantees high-quality service delivery.

Their team possesses a wealth of expertise in utilizing advanced desktop publishing software, such as Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, and other cutting-edge tools, to create top-quality designs for our valued clients. Additionally, they employ automation tools to optimize workflows and enhance productivity while integrating our designs with a variety of web and mobile platforms for seamless multi-channel publishing.

They also provide specialized design services that are specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of various industries, including healthcare, finance, fashion, and technology. Their multilingual capabilities enable them to cater to global clients, ensuring that their designs are in full compliance with accessibility standards for differently-abled audiences. They take great pride in developing distinctive and recognizable design styles that align with each client’s branding and vision. Their designers offer customized designs that cater to the specific needs of each client. They also deliver innovative solutions by introducing new and creative design concepts that expand the boundaries of traditional design.

Flatworld Solutions 

Desktop publishing by Flatworld Solutions has revolutionized the way information is shared, enabling the creation of professional-quality, print-ready materials. By engaging experts proficient in the most current desktop publishing technologies and methods, clients are guaranteed top-notch, cohesive, and brand-aligned materials. This approach also frees up internal resources to focus on primary business operations. Opting for outsourced desktop publishing services cuts down on the financial burdens of software licenses, training employees, and maintaining equipment. The flexibility and scalability offered by these services provide the dynamism needed to meet diverse project requirements.

Choosing their Desktop Publishing services allows for access to scalable, frame-based solutions without the hefty price tag of specialized software. Their process of managing complex processes in-house presents various hurdles. Issues range from ensuring uniformity in design and navigating complex software to managing costs effectively, which seem to escalate. This is where the benefits of outsourcing desktop publishing services from a leading DTP company become evident. With a history spanning over two decades, they transform ideas into impactful print materials. Their array of desktop publishing services is designed to enhance business reach. They craft professional design layouts that are visually stunning and tailored for professional localization. The team also delivers high-resolution graphics that maintain their clarity at any size. 

Its reputation is bolstered by industry recognition, including awards and accolades for exceptional work, as well as positive feedback from satisfied clients. The company is also keenly aware of the importance of cultural sensitivity, ensuring that its designs are appropriate and respectful across various cultures, thereby avoiding any potential offense. This holistic approach not only highlights their commitment to quality and sustainability but also underscores their dedication to inclusivity and cultural awareness in all their projects.


JSQUAD specializes in a comprehensive array of desktop publishing services designed to enhance the visual appeal of essential documents, whether in print or online. In the competitive realm of global business, merely presenting content in a straightforward, unembellished manner is no longer sufficient. Today’s clients and associates expect documents that not only convey information but also reflect the brand’s image compellingly. To meet this need, it collaborates with its clients to produce documents that capture attention and communicate quality.

The company’s desktop publishing services cater to both left-to-right and right-to-left languages, encompassing a wide range of offerings such as typesetting, layout design, graphics production, data conversion, content tagging, XML publishing, and the creation of infographics. For clients dealing with complex data that needs to be communicated effectively, they excel in transforming this data into visually accessible and engaging graphics, enhancing readability and viewer engagement. 

Leveraging a variety of desktop publishing and graphic design applications across multiple platforms, they ensure high-quality output for every project. The toolkit employed by the company includes industry-standard software such as Acrobat, InDesign, Freehand, Illustrator, FrameMaker, PageMaker, Photoshop, CorelDraw, and QuarkXpress, among others. Upon completion of a project, clients can expect a significant transformation in their documents. The company’s commitment to excellence guarantees that each document not only meets but exceeds expectations, making a positive and lasting impression on the target audience.

Om Data Entry India 

Om Data Entry India is known for its reliable outsourcing services in desktop publishing work. The company prides itself on delivering quality services at competitive prices. Their offerings include creating page layouts, cover page formatting and designing, DTP font management, photo editing, technical copy editing, graphics development, multilingual desktop publishing, and customized desktop publishing solutions. To ensure the delivery of quality services, Om Data Entry India follows a meticulous step-by-step process flow tailored to each client’s complete DTP service project requirements. This process entails collecting detailed project requirements and references from the client, analyzing the design requirements, executing the desktop publishing project, conducting quality check rounds, and delivering the final designs and layouts within a specified time frame.

Beyond standard services, Om Data Entry India also specializes in desktop publishing services for a wide range of materials, including annual reports, books, brochures, catalogues, flyers, magazines, newsletters, newspapers, pamphlets, printables, user manuals, and more. The company places a high value on client relationships, aiming to build lasting connections. Om Data Entry India’s expert DTP designers employ cutting-edge software to craft attractive designs and layouts, ensuring top-notch quality results with high accuracy. Offering affordable rates and customized solutions, the company enables clients to save up to 50% on operating costs. Om Data Entry India invites potential clients to contact them today for precise and innovative DTP services provided by their team of experts.

Lingua Shine 

If you are looking for DTP services, LinguaShine is the ideal choice. They offer a wide range of DTP services and additional services such as multilingual invoice processing, video editing, and brand design. Their team of experts is proficient in using various electronic publishing technologies and desktop publishing tools such as InDesign, Illustrator, Microsoft Publisher, and Photoshop, among others. Their multilingual team can provide DTP services in any language. Their team comprises more than 30 DTP professionals, designers, illustrators, and graphic artists who can communicate fluently in English and other languages.

They operate 24/7 and can work with clients from any time zone. Their customer-centric approach allows them to cater to each client’s needs and budget. They offer customer assistance via email or phone around the clock. They comply with GDPR in the EU. Their DTP services go beyond merely putting text and images on a page. They analyze your requirements and localize the document accordingly. Their linguists and desktop publishers can recommend how to improve your target document and make it more appealing to the target audience. They also anti-alias your typefaces for on-screen visuals, recommend the best fonts for the target language, modify the colour and saturation of your image, and even remove your body text. They can work with more than 60 formats, including InDesign, Photoshop, Illustrator, InCopy, etc. Before delivering the final output, the content goes through a thorough quality check by a linguist.


The desktop publishing industry in India is flourishing, offering a plethora of superior options catering to diverse design requirements. These DTP companies are distinguished by their advanced technological capabilities and specialized services customized for different sectors, showcasing their proficiency in desktop publishing. Each company on this roster has its unique strengths, be it inventive creativity, unwavering commitment to quality control, or a customer-centric approach. As businesses and individuals seek top-notch design solutions, these desktop publishing companies in India are dependable partners in delivering exceptional outcomes. The top 10 desktop publishing companies in India provide a wealth of options, whether you require multilingual capabilities, innovative design styles, or environmentally conscious practices. These companies are a combination of creativity, efficiency, and expertise and continue to set benchmarks in desktop publishing, making them valuable assets in India’s dynamic design industry.

How do we differ from others? 

VerboLabs is a preeminent provider of multilingual desktop publishing services in India. The organization’s adept team of professionals employs the latest desktop publishing software to deliver bespoke solutions to clients from various industries. VerboLabs’ distinguishing factor is its unwavering commitment to accuracy, creativity, and customer satisfaction. The team pays meticulous attention to detail, communicates promptly, and demonstrates a willingness to accommodate the unique requirements of each client. These characteristics make VerboLabs a highly regarded option for businesses seeking top-tier desktop publishing services in India.

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